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Braces & Barks

Braces & Barks will be a Non-Profit Organization providing puppies, dogs, and resources to families in need for service dogs to optimize their disabled child's life.


Focus on helping place families with puppies, connect with trainers; and provide resources, support, and community.


Personally, I'm connected with the Arthrogryposis (AMC) community. As one of my daughters was born with the rare physical disability affecting her joints and muscles. Her physical disability is lifelong,  and many AMC children utilize braces, power chairs, and a multitude of equipment to make their enviornment accessible. Training Balance Dogs & Retrieving Dogs for other AMCers would help make their world increasingly more accessible and safe.


However, this program will not be limited to AMCer's but to children with a multitude of disabilities.


I am so excited for this program to open up and get rolling. Unfortunately, there is A LOT to get this up and running so we are anticipating Braces & Barks to be serving the community in 2023.

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